Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Bank Director's Acquire or Be Acquired: Top Tweets

I attended my first Acquire or Be Acquired conference in the Arizona desert. Bank Director does a great job on organization, content, and promotion. They established the #aoba20 hashtag that had plenty of activity on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Below are the top tweets, as judged by me. Because it's my blog. :) 

Also, putting myself in a "top" something list appealed to me.

Each tweet is it's own image, so you can click on it if you are having trouble reading. Enjoy!

~ Jeff

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Two Ideas to Lower Operating Cost Per Account

Last week I wrote a TKG Perspective's article on Bank Profitability in 2019. I congratulated community financial institutions for delivering a positive trend in business checking account operating cost per account. The challenge is, aside from residential mortgages, all other product categories showed negative trends in operating cost per account.

In the below video blog, I offer two ideas to drive down long-term cost per account in other categories. 

Click HERE to view the TKG Perspectives article. 

Click HERE to view the cited blog post on re-thinking branch staffing.

~ Jeff